I read two readings in this week. They are Allucquere Rosanne Stone's 'Welcom to the present' and Vannevar bush's 'As We may think'. There are so many difficultes when I read these readings. For example, they are written by English, so I don't understand fully about these readings. But I'm spiritually awakened some important point. In May 12th, We talked about ' Welcom to the present' in the digital media technologies class. I think that ' connect or separate' is contradictional idea. For example we knew that our body is made of many cells. Out eye's don't see out body sells. but We know it by biology book and see by microscope. If th e cell is not exist in out world and our knowledge is not true, What can I do for our world? It is so nonsense.
In May 14th, We talked about ' As We May Think' in the digital media technologies class. Vannevar Bush is an inventer of 'differential analyzer' . His Main idea is the Memex which is effectively serch for some imformation that we wants. I think that bush can predict a lot of impormation's search problem. If there is no similar idea of Memex, Today people spent their time uselessly for search imformation.
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