2008년 4월 4일 금요일

4월 6주째, (2008. 4. 2 && 2008. 4. 4 )

For this class, we learned about Social Network.
Tow key points of social network is like this.
The Frist points is that New media technologies usually reinforce existing social networks
or even work to isolate people.(network makes unite people and isolate people)
The Last points is that When new media technologies facilitate new social networks,
they simultaneously challenge existing social, political and economic relationships.
Frofessor said that the social networks as science.
Social network analysis is an interdisciplinary social science, but has been of especial concern to sociologists.
And interdisciplinary works is very inportant thing today.(That really effecient if each other understand)
One example is that set a peoson A,B. When A and B know each other. It is network.
When A and B don't know each other. -> It is not network.
When A know B but B don't know A. -> It is not network.
Recently, mathematicians and socialist have made large contributions to understanding networks in general and it contributed to an understanding of social networks.
Also, We learned social networks as technology. (email, newsgroups, and weblogs...)
I thought that collaborative filtering or recommand systems is the best idea of social networks.
Because, the examples are so surprise which I didn't know that.(The Amazon.com and Bar)
And Oracle is very impresive that the graphics maps is effectibly undersood to peoson.
we learned social networks as popular culture, art.
The Information visualize is very very strong work.
Imformation technology class is interest for me that I learned so mach favorable news.
Thank you, professor Youn~~!

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